Treatment Options For The Male Menopause

If you’re looking for treatment options for male menopause, there are a few things that can be done. In most cases, you’re the one in complete charge of getting better. While there are some medical interventions in most cases, lifestyle changes will produce additional results that make a huge difference.

As always, check with your doctor before you do anything. Your doctor is your first line of information and treatment for your condition. Also, keep in mind that there is no cure for male menopause that is going to work overnight. It may take months to feel better so stick with it.

Diet & Exercise

The best type of exercise for cardiovascular issues is, of course, cardiovascular exercises. Getting your blood pumping and your breathing labored slightly for 20 to 30 minutes each day will help tremendously. Studies have shown that the best diet for dealing with cardiovascular issues as well as a low-fat plant-based diet like the one represented by Forks Over Knives.

Daily Meditation

Many men suffering from male menopause also have serious issues with stress and anxiety. Meditating daily can help you calm yourself and focus on something else than the circular thoughts that accompany stress and anxiety. You can find guided meditations on YouTube and even some podcasts to help you succeed.

Natural Testosterone Booster

Medication Therapy

There are also medications that men can take that will help them overcome their issues. If they have erectile dysfunction medicines like Viagra can help. If you have other issues, the doctor may prescribe more medications to treat other conditions. Research every medication prescribed to ensure that you’re willing to live with the potential side effects first.

Vitamins & Minerals

Some vitamins can help with hormone issues too. Vitamin B12, B3, and D3 are good options to try to take every day to find out if it helps. Give it a good six months before you give up. The effects of vitamins and minerals can be cumulative so it may take some time when you go this route. Check with your doctor about taking more than the recommended doses.

Testosterone Replacement Therapy

If you have low-T and you’ve tried other methods such as taking vitamins and minerals without success hormone replacement may be for you. However, if you have a family history of prostate cancer it may not be a good option for you. For men for whom hormone replacement therapy works they should see improvements relatively quickly compared to the other methods.

The best course of action after talking to your doctor is trying to go the natural route. Try to stick to diet, exercise, and meditation. If that doesn’t work then try hormone replacement therapy, and if that doesn’t work then and only then should you use daily medication to treat your condition.

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