How To Improve Your Memory and Mental Clarity

emotional woman in deep thoughts

Having a sharp memory and clear mental focus is crucial for various aspects of our lives, from academic and professional success to maintaining a healthy and fulfilling personal life. Fortunately, there are numerous strategies and techniques that can help enhance memory and boost cognitive function. This article will explore the fundamentals of memory and mental … Read more

Dementia Risk Factors and How to Reduce Your Risk

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With populations living longer than ever before, there is a greater concern amongst those aging as to whether they will develop dementia, such as Alzheimer’s. The latest research is yielding valuable information on dementia risk factors, with a view to people reducing their risk if they can. Here are some of the risk factors we … Read more

Factors Other Than Dementia That Can Affect Your Memory

elderly woman in black dress sitting on foot of the bed feeling sad

Most people suffer some degree of memory loss as they age, but just because a person is forgetful or even confused does not mean they have Alzheimer’s. There are a number of “memory stealers” worth considering before rushing to a diagnosis of dementia. Here are some to consider. Depression People with depression often have a … Read more

Tests You Can Do Yourself to See If You Have Dementia

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There is no single test that proves a person has dementia, including Alzheimer’s. Rather, the diagnosis is made through a complete assessment that considers all possible causes. A doctor will look at a person’s: * Medical history * Physical condition* Neurological status* Mental abilities* Physical condition of the brain But with the growing concern amongst … Read more

Common Symptoms of Dementia

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There are a number of different forms of dementia. Not all dementia is Alzheimer’s. However, the various types often have some signs and symptoms in common. Common Symptoms of Dementia There are two types of symptoms, cognitive (related to thinking) and psychological changes. Cognitive changes * Memory loss, which is usually noticed by a spouse, … Read more
