Six Easy And Effective Tips For Healthy Memory

There a number of basic things that you probably do each day to help extend the Boost Memory with Brain Pill life of the valuable tool called your memory. The following are a few practical suggestions for you if you have not already done them. These are techniques that have been used successfully by the author.

In a nutshell they are: Eat well, build your future, reduce stress, exercise, use food supplements or vitamins and do memory recovery drills.

1. Eat Well and Balanced Meals

Fruit and vegetable juices and clean gums can defend against disease. Also getting regular exercise and even brushing you teeth could offer protection against Alzheimer’s. Eat greens of all kinds like spinach and broccoli daily along with high protein foods like eggs, cheeses and peanut butter. Do not starve the body as that starves the brain. Eat salads and proteins throughout the day.

2. Build Your Future – Do Things That Excite You

Everyone needs to have plans for the future whether you are in your teens or 105 years old. Building and creating your future is what keeps you alive. It could be something as simple as painting your bedroom over, going to see your favorite baseball team play or creating a new twist to the same dish you have been serving for years. It is the maintaining of interest in life that keeps us alive.


Stress of any kind chews up the mental energy you have. it is often compensated by alcohol, overeating, extramarital affairs, gambling, drugs or just pure disinterest in others in life. But the actual cause of stress needs to be located and handled. There are many ways to spot this through just having a conversation with a close friend or trying Dianetic auditing that gets to the root of stress.


Daily exercise of the cardiovascular type can release valuable endorphins that feed the brain and rest the nervous system. These natural hormones tend to purge the body and augment circulation to the brain. As the body tightens up walks, massages or biking can be very helpful. Swimming is a premier exercise for the complete body without stress on the joints. Just simply doing leisure walk for 30 minutes a day will also help tremendously.

=> The Simplest Way To Maintain A Steel Trap Memory – A breakthrough formula that supports healthy brain and memory function.


There are numerous food supplements and many vitamins that aid in the continuous blood flow to the brain and the nervous system. Gingko biloba or ginko improves the circulation to the brain,. This allows more oxygen to reach the brain which helps in short and long term memory, energy and concentration. Ginkgo biloba leaf extract is the most widely sold plant medicine in Europe, where it is used to treat the symptoms of early-stage Alzheimer’s disease and dementia . A Study by the Journal of the Medical Association suggests that foods rich in Vitamin E may help protect some people from Alzheimer’s Disease. 


Reading, working on crossword puzzles, writing, doing jigsaw puzzles and playing any kind game or learning something new will keep your mind sharp and recover words and ideas from the past. For more on more intense recovery follow the memory techniques in the book Self Analysis.

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