Symptoms and Common Questions of Arthrosis

There are a lot of symptoms of arthrosis that are very like other conditions of the joints.Bone and Joint Health Support Note that the main difference has to do with swelling. While some people do have swelling along with the rest of these symptoms, most don’t. You also don’t need to have these symptoms to have arthrosis.

Because arthrosis develops over time, you may barely notice a problem until you’re in need of medical care. Therefore, pay close attention to any of these potential symptoms so that you can treat your condition early rather than later.

* Hurts during Movement – Some conditions are improved with movement, like fibromyalgia. If you move around more you’re going to feel better. But with arthrosis, movement often makes the pain worse – and not just while you’re moving but later too. Therefore, be very careful adding exercise and make sure it’s low impact for best results. Exercise is still important, though; you just have to find the right type.

* Tenderness but No Swelling – Often the joints affected will feel tender to the touch. They’ll hurt when you massage or touch them. But, usually, there is no swelling. Unlike other types of arthritis which swell and even feel hot to the touch, arthrosis doesn’t generally do that. Occasionally it can happen but it’s usually more tender than swollen.

* Joint Stiffness – Many people report joint stiffness that sometimes improves once they get going, such as in the morning. But many sufferers point to the constant joint stiffness that makes it hard to get up and down or enjoy things they used to enjoy such as walking or exercising.

* Hampered Mobility – Due to the joint stiffness and the tendency to start growing bone spurs in the affected area, mobility is often affected badly. Even with surgery, many people who suffer from arthrosis feel as if they can’t do the things they like (such as gardening) without modifications.

* Pain – The condition is often first noticed when pain happens. The stiffness may have been blown off as part of getting old. But when the pain starts, damage has already been done to the cartilage of the joint which is what is causing the pain.

* Grating and/or Clicking Sound – Many people with advanced arthrosis will hear a clicking or grating sound (or both) when they move that joint. This happens mostly in the hips, knees, and shoulders, but can also happen in the fingers.

* Joints Become Firmer to the Touch – Some people notice that their bones seem to be protruding more and showing more. This is because your body is producing extra bone to try to fix itself, often causing much more pain and disfigurement.

* Bone Spurs – These can happen in any location but the most common is the thumb when it has to do with arthrosis. Surgery can be performed on people who have bone spurs, helping to alleviate some of the pain caused by them.

If you have any of these symptoms, it’s a good idea to seek professional assistance and a diagnosis from your doctor. If you should get worse and you ever need disability, it will take longer to get if you didn’t seek medical treatment from the start. In most cases, you will need a few years of medical history to qualify for disability. Keep track of your symptoms and write them down – that way when you go for your yearly physical you can report these issues.

Common Questions about Arthrosis

The common definition of arthrosis is “a generic term for a noninflammatory arthropathy, a degenerative joint disease.” ( It’s really an issue in the bones from lack of movement and nutrition that happens as you age. Sometimes it’s called osteoarthritis.

* Is There a Difference between Arthritis and Arthrosis? – Arthrosis or OA is a type of arthritis, and it is the most common type. It’s brought on by just normal wear and tear on your joints and cartilage as you age.

* What Are the Types of Arthrosis? – Arthrosis can affect any joint you have and is usually a condition developed with age if you don’t stay active, eat right, and exercise regularly. So, you can get it in your neck, shoulder, and the knee. Plus, any other joints that you have.

* What Is Cervical Arthrosis? – This is characterized by swelling and pain. If left untreated it can also cause erosive changes in the area. The more you ignore it, the more pain you’re going to have, plus the more the cartilage will wear down trying to protect the joint.

* What Is Severe Facet Arthrosis? – This is a problem with the spinal vertebrae. If you have facet arthrosis in your spine, you’ll experience pain and discomfort due to the degeneration of the cartilage that is protecting that joint.

* What Is Arthrosis of the Shoulder? – This is also sometimes called AC arthrosis as it affects the acromioclavicular joint. It causes tenderness and pain in the bony lump that is on the top of your shoulder where the AC joint is. Often it can be treated with ibuprofen or cortisone injections. More severe issues can be helped with surgery.

* What Is Knee Arthrosis? – Because your knee is covered with cartilage, it’s a common place for OA to develop. Obesity, genetics, and abnormal movements can cause the cartilage to wear down faster. But even if everything goes right, many elderly suffer from this problem.

* What Is the Treatment for Arthrosis? – It will depend on your symptoms, which joint is affected and how bad it is. In the elderly, the treatment is pain management and physical therapy to help reduce wear and tear of the joint. This might include medicinal bath oils and gels that contain essential oils. For more severe issues, you may end up getting cortisone or lubricant injections. Occasionally, a joint replacement will be in order.

* What Symptoms Should I Look For? – The symptoms of arthrosis start slowly and get worse slowly. Some people end up with worse conditions than others. You may experience tenderness, stiffness, swelling, and pain. The pain from arthrosis will affect the joint, and sometimes the surrounding tissue due to swelling. Some people will hear a grating, clicking, or snapping noise in some of the joints that are affected.

Arthrosis is just a type of arthritis characterized by stiffness, pain, and swelling in the joint due to cartilage degeneration. The severity of the condition will dictate the treatment. Sometimes it’s simply pain management using over-the-counter ibuprofen. Other times, more serious treatment such as surgery is recommended.

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