How To Use Elliptical Machines

Exercising is one of the most popular and one of the healthiest hobbies there is. You can exercise with or without equipment. If you decide to have equipment to make your body fit, you might want to consider using the best elliptical machine.

The elliptical machine is probably the most underrated gym equipment because most people who go to gyms think it is quite plain and worthless. We are here to tell you that it is not. If you want to try it for yourself and have no idea how to use it, just follow our helping guide in using an elliptical machine.

Using An Elliptical

Being dubbed as the underdog of all gym equipment doesn’t make the best elliptical machine useless. It is quite good and can make you fit just as well as any other gym equipment. You just need to know how to utilize it to its full capabilities.

The saying “There is no right or wrong way” doesn’t apply to any gym equipment, and the same is true in using the elliptical machine. There is the right way, which will definitely benefit your body and health, and then there’s the wrong way, which can potentially lead to unwanted injuries. To fully master the elliptical machine, you have to follow our guide. Here are the ways you can use it to its full potential:

  1. Plan Ahead Before Stepping On the Platform

Before you even step foot on the platform of the elliptical machine, you already should have made up your mind to your goal of the day. This means that you should have planned for how much time you will spend in the elliptical machine and how much will be your level of effort. According to experts, if you are serious about getting fit, then you should exercise with the elliptical machine for around 20-30 minutes a day. Your level of effort should also be stellar than average if you want to achieve a healthy body with the best elliptical machines.

  1. Full Body Workout Is Always Good

It comes without saying that a full-body workout is a way to go if you want to be in great shape, and you can use the elliptical machine to achieve that goal. To do this, you have to make use of the handles. Maintain your body’s upright position as you push and pull the handles will guarantee that your shoulders and abs will be safe from any injuries.

The other option is to use the elliptical machine without the use of its handles. This one is rather boring, and you will not benefit that much from it compared to using the handles. If you like the easy way, then, by all means, do a handles free workout.

  1. Gadgets Are Distractions

When you are in the gym or in your house trying to be fit as possible, it won’t hurt if you put down your beloved gadgets for a while and concentrate on the task at hand. Gadgets are distractions, and that is a fact. If you want to avoid injuries, then you better look at your elliptical machine and put your mind to it rather than thinking of your favorite shows while exercising.

  1. Slouching Is Bad

In the gym, slouching is terrible. It is a sign of laziness and unproductivity, especially if you do this on your elliptical machine. If you use the handrails for support and start slouching instead of keeping your body upright, you already lost the meaning of using the elliptical machine.

  1. Same Routine Won’t Do You Good

The human body is programmed to adapt to situations and doing the same thing over and over again will not be beneficial, especially when doing exercise. Fortunately, the elliptical machine has some features that will bring you a different type of exercises which you can alter from time to time.


Working out without equipment is good but working out with an elliptical machine is even better. The best elliptical machine will give you the best results if you just put your mind to it. Remember to put your fitness goal at heart if you want to achieve the full greatness of your body.

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