Common Symptoms of Having Low Testosterone Levels

Decreases in men’s testosterone levels is natural as they age. Every year over the age of 30 means that the level of testosterone found in the man’s body will begin to slowly drop at approximately 1 percent each year. As natural and common as this is, many are unaware of what this natural decrease is hormones is all about?

If you or someone you know believes they are dealing with a significant decrease in testosterone levels, consulting a doctor is advised. Below are some side effects that you might experience.

Boost TestosteroneIt is first important to point out that testosterone is a significant type of hormone that helps with bodily functions that include:

  • sperm production,
  • fat distribution,
  • red blood cell production,
  • bone density,
  • sex drive,
  • and muscle mass.

As a result of all the bodily functions testosterone aids in, it is quite common for men to begin to experience symptoms as it decreases.

Decreased Sexual Function

Most men will agree that the main concern about lowered testosterone levels is the possibility that their sexual performance and drive will be affected. The older a man gets, the more chances they have of experiencing several symptoms that are related to sexual function. Some of these complications include: Infertility, decreased desires to have sex, and fewer spontaneous erections.

Physical Changes

There are several physical changes that could take place as a result of lowered testosterone levels. Some of these changes include: increased body fat, hot flashes, fatigue, cholesterol metabolism effects, and fragile bones, decreased body hair, swelling of the breast tissue, and decreased strength in the muscle.

Disturbed Sleep Patterns

While a common side effect of lower testosterone is a decrease in energy levels or feeling of increased fatigue, it is also common to cause insomnia and disrupt sleeping patterns. When undergoing treatment for low testosterone, there are also some therapies used that can cause sleep apnea which is a serious medical condition. It causes those affected to stop breathing in their sleep on a repeated basis.

Emotional Changes

Combined with increased physical changes in the body, low levels of testosterone can also affect men in an emotional way. Sad but true, lowered testosterone can lead to increased feelings of sadness or depression, as well as a lowered sense of well being. Some men report having difficulty remembering and concentrating, as well as a decreased attempt to self motivate and remain self confident.

Don’t Self Diagnose

This is only to act as a guide and should not be used as a way to diagnose low testosterone. Though all of the symptoms listed above are a side effect because of lowered testosterone levels, they can also be a sign of typical aging. There are also other medical reasons that these symptoms can occur including: thyroid problems, side effects from medications taken, and increased alcohol use.

In order to figure out exactly what the cause is for your symptoms you should seek medical attention and have some tests done. Only proper diagnosis will lead you to the right treatments and cures for your concerns and naturally increase your testosterone levels.

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