Treatment for Autism

Autism spectrum disorders are lifelong developmental disabilities and are characterized by impairment in language and communication skills, as well as repetitive or restrictive patterns of thought and behavior and marked difficulties in social interaction. The word ‘spectrum’ is used because the range and severity of the difficulties and symptoms in people with an ASD can vary widely. Other forms of autism spectrum disorders are autistic disorder, rett syndrome and pervasive developmental disorder.

Diagnosis of Autism

The symptoms of autism can vary greatly in intensity and severity in different individuals. Hence diagnosis of autism is important in order to plan the line of treatment. There are no specific diagnostic procedures or lab test in order to establish the diagnosis of autism. The diagnosis of this disorder is based on evaluation of the symptoms observed in the child by the parents or the primary care giver as well as the attending physician. The health care professional will usually evaluate the symptoms on the basis of a questionnaire. Since the symptoms of autism vary greatly in terms of language impairment, speech development and communication skills, a comprehensive evaluation of autism spectrum disorder is based on the assessment of the affected person by a range of health care professionals. These include a psychologist, neurologist, psychiatrist, speech therapist, and other professionals who diagnose children with autism spectrum disorders.

Some children will demonstrate signs and symptoms of autism spectrum disorder by the age of two. They may not be able to develop the ability to speak or communicate or even babble. But it is difficult for the physician to establish a firm diagnosis until the child is three or older. Clinical research about autism has indicated that early diagnosis and early medical intervention helps people with autism to acquire better coping skills in the external world. It also helps to improve their quality of life as they learn new behavior techniques and skills.

Behavior Therapy

Behavior therapy is used to teach the affected person techniques or skills to alter their behavior. The affected individuals are taught certain skills to cope in the social environment. They are taught communication skills and social manners and etiquettes. Intensive, personalized programs are designed by the health care professional in order to meet the individual needs and learning difficulties of the autistic child. The autistic children are encouraged to participate in structured group activities which help to build up their social and communication skills.


The doctor can also prescribe medications in order to treat associated symptoms of autism such as anxiety and depression. Medicines can also be prescribed if the autistic individual indulges in harmful repetitive behavior or restrictive and repetitive acts that may cause self injury or inflict harm to others. Autistic people have difficulties in controlling their emotions like anger and aggression. Medicines are prescribed to calm the hyperactive and aggressive behavior.

Family Support

Support of family members also plays a crucial role in the treatment of autism. The parents, partner or the primary care giver is provided counseling and education to deal with an autistic family member.

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