There is no cure for asthma. But the symptoms of asthma can be managed properly so that an asthmatic can live a

healthy symptom free life. Asthmatic attacks can be prevented by identifying the trigger factors and avoiding them. This can be achieved by making certain lifestyle changes listed below:
- Avoiding food allergens
Allergy induced asthma is one of the most common types of asthma. Identifying the allergic factors and avoiding them is one of the important steps that need to be taken as a preventive measure. Food allergies like allergy to shellfish, soy, eggs and cow’s milk can be easily avoided. Some people are also allergic to food preservatives. It is important to keep a track of food allergens and read the food labels carefully before buying any processed food.
- Regularly cleaning the house
It is important to keep the house and the surroundings clean and hygienic. Many asthmatic attacks occur when the asthmatic individual comes in contact with dust. It is also important to cover the mouth and face properly with a cloth or a mask while cleaning the house in order to avoid exposure to dust.
- Avoiding pets with furs and feathers
Many asthmatic attacks are brought on after exposure to pets with furs and feathers. So it is important to avoid the furry animals.
- Prompt treatment of upper respiratory tract infections
An asthmatic attack is often induced by upper respiratory tract infections like acute bronchitis, chronic sinusitis, cough, cold and nasal infections. Once the underlying trigger factor that is the infection is treated the symptoms of asthma are also relieved. So it is important to treat the infection promptly.
Medications are used to relieve the symptoms of asthma
The first line of treatment in the management of an asthmatic attack is the use of corticosteroids and the bronchodilators. Corticosteroids act on the airways by reducing the inflammation as well as the mucus secretion. They also help in reducing the constriction of the muscles surrounding the airway lining. The corticosteroids can be given orally or they can be inhaled with the help of a respiratory inhaler.
The other line of treatment is the use of bronchodilators. Bronchodilators improve the airflow and thereby cause relief in the symptoms like respiratory wheezing and difficulty in breathing.
Alternative therapies may provide relief in the asthmatic symptoms
Alternative therapies like yoga and meditation that involve breathing exercises can also provide considerable relief in the symptoms of asthma. But these therapies must be practiced in consultation with the doctor and the alternative therapist. Meditation can also help in relieving the symptoms of stress and anxiety that lead to an asthmatic attack or worsen the symptoms of asthma.
Homoeopathic remedies can help in preventing an asthmatic attack
There are certain homeopathic remedies like arsenicum album which can also help in preventing an asthmatic attack or providing symptomatic relief. However, these remedies should be taken after consultation with the doctor and under supervision of a registered homeopath.
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