Treatment for Bursitis

Natural treatment for Bursitis There are a range of excellent natural remedies that can help in reducing the symptoms of bursitis such as pain and restricted joint mobility, as well as prevent the recurrent attacks of bursitis. Some of the natural home remedies are listed below: Applying hot and cold compress alternatively helps in alleviating … Read more

How To Prevent Bursitis

Bursitis is inflammation of the bursae. Bursae are specially designed small sacs that are present around the joints and the neighboring structures such as the muscles, ligaments and the tendons. They are cushioning sacs that decrease friction between the joints and assist movement of the tendon over the bony surface. Bursitis can be caused as … Read more

Causes of Bursitis

The most common joints that are affected by bursitis are hip, knee, elbow and shoulder. The most common cause of bursitis is repetitive joint movements, over use of joints, injuries and other conditions such as rheumatoid arthritis and gout. Causes of Hip Bursitis Hip is the major weight bearing joint of the body. So it … Read more

Symptoms of Bursitis

Bursitis is inflammation of the bursae. Some of the common joints affected by bursitis are hip, knee, shoulder and elbow. Human Shoulder anatomy Poster by Funzoo Symptoms of Hip Bursitis The most common form of hip bursitis is trochanteric bursitis. Hip is a weight bearing joint of the body. Hence the major cause of hip … Read more

What is Bursitis

Bursitis is defined as inflammation of a bursa. Bursae are small sacs which are located in the area between two adjoining structures. These adjoining structures are usually muscles, tendons and bones. The bursae are filled with a customized fluid. This fluid acts as a cushion and provides a cushioning effect necessary for movement and pressure. … Read more
