Symptoms of Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Some of the common symptoms of irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) are mentioned below: 1. Diarrhea Diarrhea is a characteristic symptom of the diarrhea predominant type of irritable bowel syndrome. The person often complains of diarrhea, which is aggravated in periods of emotional stress causing anxiety and nervousness. A bout of depression can also lead to … Read more

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Cure for Alopecia – Hair Loss

Alopecia areata is a disease characterized by hair loss which occurs in bald patches. In most cases, hair falls out in small, round patches about the size of a coin. Treatment for Alopecia Areata – Hair Loss Alopecia areata often causes considerable embarrassment in the affected individuals. Many people suffering from this condition may resort … Read more

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Symptoms of Tics Disorder

Tics are sudden, repetitive, rapid, purposeless and involuntary movements. They involve discrete muscle groups. Tics are virtually identical to one another. They are non rhythmic movements involving discrete muscle groups. If a single group of muscle is involved in the involuntary movements then they are referred to as simple tics. If a stereotyped movement occurs … Read more

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IBS – Irritable Bowel Syndrome

Irritable Bowel Syndrome is also known as spastic colon or an irritable colon. This is a functional disorder of the bowel. This disorder is characterized by diarrhea alternating with constipation, chronic abdominal pain, abdominal discomfort and bloating. It seems that people suffering from irritable bowel syndrome have sensitive bowels that are easily go into a … Read more

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Natural Cure for Pinworms

Pinworm infections are generally harmless. Natural cure for pinworms includes following hygienic practices and maintaining a healthy diet. Avoiding sugars and a diet full of sweets is important in the treatment of pinworms Pinworms, or for that matter any kind of worms, thrive on a diet full of sugars and sugary foods. These days fruit … Read more

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Causes of Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder

Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder is a developmental disorder characterized by impulsive-hyperactive behavior and inattention. Some of the possible causes in the development of this disorder are listed below. Genetic Predisposition may play a role in the development of Attention deficit hyperactivity disorder Heredity is the most common cause of this neurobehavioral disorder. Clinical research performed … Read more

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Causes of Alopecia

Alopecia areata is a disease of the hair follicles. In simple terms alopecia areata is a condition of hair loss. It is a disease characterized by hair loss which occurs in bald patches on the scalp. In most cases, hair falls out in small, round patches about the size of a coin. When there is … Read more

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Tics Disorder

Tics are sudden, repetitive, rapid, purposeless and involuntary movements. They involve discrete muscle groups. Tics are not rhythmic movements and are virtually identical to one another. Tics are stereotyped motor movement or vocalization involving discrete muscle groups. Before doing a tic people affected by this condition usually feel an urge to do the tic. Once … Read more

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Symptoms of Pinworms

Some of the common symptoms of pinworm infestation are listed below: 1. Itchy rectum, especially at night One of the most common and the most prominent symptoms of pinworm infestation is the itchy rectal skin. The itching of the anus and the rectum is more severe at night time. Every worm requires a host in … Read more

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