Natural Cure to Reduce Cholesterol

Cholesterol is mainly classified into two main types-the good cholesterol or HDL cholesterol and the bad cholesterol or the LDL cholesterol.

High levels of LDL cholesterol are linked to arteriosclerosis, coronary heart disease and stroke. HDL cholesterol carries away the excess of cholesterol from the arteries and other body cells to the liver from where it is eliminated out of the body.

There are many simple ways to reduce cholesterol by making some lifestyle changes and eating the right kinds of food. If the LDL cholesterol levels are not lowered even after dietary changes and regular exercise then the person is given medicines to lower the cholesterol.

Foods those are rich in HDL cholesterol have a beneficial effect on heart

Reduced levels of HDL cholesterol are linked to the development of coronary heart disease and arteriosclerosis which means hardening of arteries. Increased levels of HDL cholesterol have beneficiary effect on the heart. HDL cholesterol also helps in reducing the LDL cholesterol levels.

Hence it is important to increase the intake of foods that are high in HDL cholesterol. Such foods are olive oil, sunflower oil, nuts and legumes. Margarine that is derived from plant seeds also helps to reduce the LDL cholesterol levels.

Foods high in LDL cholesterol must be replaced with low fat food

Foods rich in LDL cholesterol are derived from animal sources. These foods are eggs, milk and milk products like cheese, meat like chicken and beef. When opting to eat meat, you can prefer lean meat. Seafood and fish are rich in omega -3 which helps to protect against the heart disease.

Fried foods like chips, oily foods and junk food are usually high in their salt content band fat. They can be replaced with low fat food cooked in healthy oils like olive oil and vegetable oil.

It is important to include fruits and vegetables in your diet. Food derived from plant sources does not contain any cholesterol. Fruits and vegetables are high in soluble fiber and have a tendency to keep you full for longer.

Garlic is known for its properties to reduce cholesterol

Garlic contains a chemical called allicin which helps to reduce the LDL cholesterol. Other foods like cabbage and broccoli also help in reducing cholesterol levels.

Regular physical exercise helps to lower cholesterol

Regular physical activity helps to increase the HDL cholesterol levels and reduce the LDL cholesterol levels. Any sport or physical activity that leads to an increase in the heart rate and an all body workout is recommended. Doctors recommend brisk walking at least 30 minutes every day for several days a week. Exercise also helps to lose the excess body weight which is associated with high levels of LDL cholesterol.

Reduce alcohol consumption

Since increase in cholesterol levels are linked to heavy drinking, it is important to reduce alcohol consumption to two standard drinks every day for men and one standard drink daily for women, with at least two alcohol free days every week.

Click Here for Help with Cholesterol Support

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