How to Remove Blackheads

Tretinoin is used to treat blackheads

One of the most commonly used medications in the treatment of blackheads is tretinoin. Tretinoin is an acid form of vitamin A. Tretinoin is also known as Retin-A, Avita or Renova. It helps expel the plugged material thereby returning the blocked pore to normal.

Treatment for blackheads with the help of benzyl peroxide

Benzyl peroxide is known for its anti-bacterial properties. Regular use of benzyl peroxide may help to reduce the chemical reaction that plays a significant role in changing the lining of the hair follicle. This may also help to reduce the plugging that results in the formation of the comedones. Benzyl peroxide may be used in the treatment of a mild case of blackheads. It can also be used in the early stages in order to cure the existing blackheads and to help prevent formation of others.

Extraction of blackheads

A dermatologist or a heath care professional may also suggest extraction as a treatment for blackheads. Extraction can be used to remove open comedones. It is a surgical process and it is performed by the dermatologist with the help of an instrument known as comedone extractor.

Home remedies used in the treatment of blackheads

Some home remedies can be used with excellent results in the treatment of blackheads. The most commonly used home remedies are listed below.

1. Turmeric

One of the most effective and commonly used home remedy is turmeric. A pinch of turmeric is mixed with a few drops of milk and applied to the blackheads. It helps to reduce the clogging of the pores and has anti bacteria properties.

2. Cinnamon

Another commonly used remedy is cinnamon. A paste of cinnamon is made by mixing cinnamon powder with a few drops of honey. It is applied to the blackheads and washed off after it dries.

3. Cucumber juice

Cucumber juice can also be applied to the blackheads. Cucumber juice is refreshing and has a cleansing effect on the comedones.

4. Egg white

Egg can be used in the removal of the blackheads. Egg white can be applied to the face. Once the face becomes dry ,then gently wash the face with lukewarm water. While washing, the face can be scrubbed gently to remove the blackheads.

5. Orange peel

Some people recommend the use of an orange peel to remove the blackheads. Orange peel can be used as a facial scrub.

Use of face washes in the treatment of blackheads

The main aim in the prevention of the blackheads is to keep the skin oil free and clean. This can be achieved with the frequent and regular washing of the face with the help of face washes or even plain water. Face washes with antibacterial properties can also be used in the treatment of blackheads. These face washes are now available in supermarkets and can also be purchased over the counter in pharmacies. Regular exfoliation of the skin also helps to prevent blackheads by opening up the pores.

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