Causes of Bad Breath

Halitosis or bad breath is an extremely common condition. It has to be understood that halitosis is not infectious. Some of the common causes of bad breath are as follows:

1. Dryness of mouth is one of the major causes of bad breath

The most common cause of bad breath or halitosis is dryness of mouth. Dryness of mouth occurs when the flow of saliva in the mouth is decreased. A dry mouth can be caused as a result of a number of reasons. Nervousness or anxiety causes dry mouth thereby leading to bad breath. Dryness of mouth can also be associated with being dehydrated. Certain medicines and drugs can also lead to bad breath and dry mouth. Smoking is also associated with a bad breath and dryness of mouth as smoking starves the mouth of oxygen.

2. Poor oral hygiene causes bad breath

Another common cause of bad breath is poor oral hygiene. Dental experts recommend that one should brush the teeth twice a day- once in the morning after waking up and once at night before going to bed. After we consume food some of the food particles get lodged inside the mouth and in the gums. This may be a breeding ground for bacteria and germs that cause bad breath. Hence It is very important to clean the mouth properly by a mouthwash or gurgling with plain water after consumption of food in order to get rid of these harmful germs and bacteria.

3. Consumption of foods with strong odors leads to bad breath

Another common cause of bad breath is the consumption of foods with strong odors such as onions and garlic. Alcohol intake and consumption of tobacco can also cause bad breath. Foods high in sugar content and proteins may also be a causative factor for bad breath.

4. Bad breath is an associated symptom of dental infections

Many dental conditions like infection of the gums and teeth as well as bleeding gums are associated with bad breath. Periodontal disease is a disease in which bacteria attack the teeth and the surrounding structures. This may be one of the causes of bad breath. Hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy and menstruation may also result in bad breath. Many pregnant women complain of bad breath as a result of hormonal changes.

5. Chronic sinusitis or nasal infections may lead to bad breath

Bad breath can occur as a result of chronic sinusitis. People suffering from conditions like chronic nasal sinusitis or frequent nasal infections may experience difficulty in breathing through the nose. As a result of this they tend to breathe through the mouth. This causes dryness f the mouth and may lead to bad breath.

6. Acid reflux or bile reflux from the stomach can also cause bad breath.

Acid reflux or bile reflux is also a common condition that is associated with bad breath. These people usually complain of a bitter, sour or a metallic taste in the mouth. Other associated symptoms may include constipation.

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